Highly creative people are constantly striving to produce their best work. In order to achieve this, they often must practice their craft, make mistakes, and refine their techniques. Often, these practices involve editing and repetition. Writers, for example, understand that they cannot publish their first drafts immediately, and they pay close attention to the editor’s suggestions and criticisms. Without this feedback, a writer would never move closer to publishing a novel.
While creativity can lead to danger in the world, it can also lead to a flourishing life. When an artist is immersed in an activity, they become deeply engaged and often ignore outside stimulation. Creative people often appear extraverted on stage, but are surprisingly introverted offstage. Their work is often intense and demanding, and they work late into the night compared to other people. As Vasari wrote in 1550, “An artist whose work is praised because of its ambiguity is often a highly creative person.”
Among the most important characteristics of a creative person is their curiosity. They seek out new experiences to stimulate their minds and expand their worldview. Oftentimes, people consider them strange for constantly thinking. But, creativity requires concentrated thought, which is why they love puzzles, crosswords, quiz nights, and the like. It is their passion and what inspires them. The following are some of the traits that make creative people great. Take inspiration from them and use it to improve your work.
Highly ambitious: A creative person is constantly looking for their next project. They often have an eager hand and almost nothing deters them from trying new things. They constantly seek inspiration from all places. And this constant searching drives them to create even more. They seek inspiration everywhere, and they have the time to do it. So, when it comes to working late, it’s important that you make your routine based on your creativity. A creative person will be much more productive if he or she has the time to do it.
Creativity and imagination are essential traits of a creative person. Creative people often work alone, and tend to think big. Their work often reflects their deepest feelings. They are also very intuitive and feel the needs of others. They may have trouble falling asleep, or even stay up till the wee hours of the morning. They may also be very prone to depression, and they need to spend time nurturing their health and well-being. They take care of their bodies and minds by following healthy diets, exercising regularly, and practicing meditation.
Openness to experience: Openness to experience drives a creative person’s intellectual and emotional exploration of the inner and outer worlds. It fuels their engagement with ideas, fantasy, and the beauty of human emotion. As such, it is no surprise that creative people are often viewed as misfits and loners. It is no wonder that they enjoy solitude. They work better alone, and often produce their best work alone. In fact, it is often better to be alone than with a large crowd.