Creative people are characterized by childlike spontaneity, impulsiveness, fantasy oriented and emotionally sensitive. They are shamans, priests, prophets, novelists and artists. They are Giottos and da Vincis, but also village idiots and romantics. They are reviled as often as they are revered. For the longest time, the popular perception was that they were born with unique gifts that obliged them to seek and fulfil their singular vocation. Studies have shown that many creative people conform to the traditional description, but that there are more characteristics that contribute to their success.
1. They are restless and always seeking new challenges.
Creatives are always searching for the next challenge, the next great idea. This constant restlessness can be a boon to their productivity, but it is often a source of anxiety and frustration. It can be hard for them to settle on a task and stick with it. They might create routines and specific rituals to help them stay focused, or they might work on multiple projects at once in order not to get bored.
2. They are deeply curious and always on a quest for knowledge.
Creative people are fascinated by everything around them. They have an innate desire for knowledge that can take them to any place or time, and they find inspiration in everything they see. They are the conversational chameleons of this world, and there is almost no subject they do not know anything about.
3. They are able to handle criticism well.
Creatives have a very high tolerance for pain and are not afraid to put themselves out there, but they also know how to deal with rejection. They don’t let negative feedback get to them, but they can be very self-critical as well. They are able to learn from their mistakes and move forward with their ideas, even when they are not sure whether they will be successful.
4. They are both extroverted and introverted at the same time.
Interestingly, many creative people are both extroverted and introverted simultaneously. They enjoy the energy of crowds, but they are also capable of working in solitude for extended periods of time if necessary. They are confident in their own abilities, but they also have a healthy respect for the people that came before them. In many cases, creative people are aware of the fact that they stand, in Newton’s words, on the shoulders of giants.
5. They are able to follow their passions.
One of the most important traits that all creative people share is the ability to follow their passions. This is why so many creative people choose to pursue their art or profession, rather than go into corporate America where they would be obligated to do something that does not make them happy. They are also willing to put in the long hours and the hard work, as they do not view it as work, but more as their calling in life.
6. They do not keep standard business hours.